It’s not THAT Social Media or THAT particular App that will boost your Sales. Fact.

If you are a savvy (and honest) Digital Marketer you must know that it’s all about the STRATEGY when it comes down to ROI.

Tactics and testing new apps, new features, new channels is definitely part of the strategy don’t get me wrong.

But it shouldn’t be the priority or a distraction to a solid, well prepared Strategy.

It’s unbelievable how many companies and even large Companies miss this.

According to my experience there’s different reasons behind it. Not in a particular order:


This could have been labelled as “Setting the Expectations (mostly Sales) from DM far higher than the reality”.

Senior executives and Biz Owners often don’t know much about Digital Marketing, but they read and hear that “some” companies – true or not doesn’t seem to count in the equation – have achieved amazing results with their online marketing very quickly simply using few tactical advices or a particular tool.

So the expectations are obviously to achieve the same.

Reality check:

A Digital Marketing strategy takes time to generate sustainable results and the reason is that an in depth analysis is absolutely needed even before you start to create your first advertising campaign.

You need to carefully define your buyer persona, to analyse your Unique Selling Proposition, your biz model, etc. And then testing and tweaking and putting in place a continuous improvement methodology.

There are often some low hanging fruits and good results can be achieved quickly but if you care about the sustainability of your biz you should care about the sustainability of your results too.

SKEPTICISM (aka: been there – done that – didn’t work)

Often when you design a DM strategy you include different “tools” and channels.
According to several studies a prospect needs to be “hit” 7 times before to buy. And most of the time from different channels. The fact that you (your agency or your in-house marketer) used a component of the strategy that didn’t generate any results in the past doesn’t mean that it has to be excluded.

I often hear comments like: “Facebook? Nah, we used that in the past and it didn’t generate a single Sale”.

I should write a post about this.

Very briefly:
– are you sure it was leveraged and used properly?
– was a part of an integrated strategy or just a stand-alone campaign?
– what was the budget and were the targeting features set up right?
– was the ad designed around your Buyer Persona and using any sort of direct response technique?

And questions like these can go on and on.


How many posts can you find on the internet claiming that if you use the tool X or Y you can increase your Sales like crazy?!

Clients bump into this kind of articles all the time so they call you to urgently implement that tool to achieve amazing results.

The question is: Why that tool could not work for your Biz?


– it might apply on a different industry or biz model
– you start by the assumption that the audience you hit are already HOT prospects aka ready-to-buy which is not the case most of the time.

Even assuming you are targeting the RIGHT audience for your biz, only 1-3% of the people who are looking actively for a product or service like yours might end up BUYING.

If you look at any Sales Funnel you know that the “secret” to increase your Conversion Rate is to NURTURE your prospects and hold their hands to bring them down the funnel towards the deal closing.

The only way to do so is to use an integrated sales strategy designed around your biz and Buyer Persona.

Building Trust.
Offering them special deals. Etc.

Integrated Sales Funnel SM$LG article Feb 2016

Final consideration:

if you want to implement a SYSTEM that can generate consistent results and moreover a revenue increase you need to design a multiple touching point methodology using channels that work for your Buyer Persona and to create ad-hoc effective advertising.

It’s not about using just Google Adwords, Facebook Advertising or sending out Emails.

The REAL challenge is to integrate different components into your Digital Sales Strategy to increase your ROI.

Have you ever used an integrated digital sales system before and what results have you achieved?

Have you nurtured your Leads and found the ideal system that works for your biz?

Please feel free to get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to review your sales & digital strategy for free.

Just HIT the contact form here and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.


Federico Caporali
Founder & Managing Director
Social Media 4 Lead Generation

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