With so many marketing automation influencers out there, it’s hard to figure out whom to follow! Twitter is a great place to be, and more so if you are interested in knowing what the influencers you follow are saying. One of the most important qualities to look out for in an influencer is honesty and the ability to share unbiased opinion. It makes the entire experience extremely enriching for everyone.
If you want to know, I have a list of the top 10 marketing automation influencers to follow on Twitter. Then again, these are just my favorites and you are bound to have your own, so don’t worry if one of your favorite marketing automation influencers do not feature in the following list!
Co-founder and CTO of MarTech, Scott Brinker is a renowned MarTech specialist to follow. He is definitely one of the top marketing automation influencers right now because of his involvement with MarTech. So, if you are looking for latest updates on MarTech, software tips and data insights in general, he is your guy. Scott’s down-to-earth and honest opinions about things keeps things interesting on his feed.
Joe Pulizzi is the founder of Content Marketing Institute. Needless to say, he is THE guy when it comes to all things content marketing. Trust me, your marketing automation system is nothing without the right content. Joe’s feed is filled with gems that help you improve your content marketing strategy and up your marketing automation game in general.
Don’t let his serious mug scare you off! Stewart Rogers is a key analyst of the VentureBeat team. He focuses on marketing technology for VentureBeat. However, his tweets range from everything and anything on B2B marketing tactics to marketing automation trends. He is also a speaker at various conventions, so keep your eyes peeled on his feed, and you might get to catch him live someday!
Ayaz is the co-founder of Inbound Content and contributor to MarketingProfs, Ayaz’s feed is an excellent source of marketing automation statistics. If you are one of those marketers who love numbers, then this is one of the marketing automation influencers that you need to follow!
I don’t really think that the inclusion of this name should surprise you at all. In fact, Neil Patel is one of the biggest marketing automation influencers on earth. But, if you haven’t come across Neil or any of his blogs, then following him on Twitter is a good place to start. As a co-founder of KISSmetrics, Neil keeps tweeting about analytics and data. Marketing automation runs on data (duh!) and Neil’s insights are a great place to start knowing more about marketing automation.
Don’t be fooled by his unassuming looks and simple Twitter profile. Dharmesh Shah is the founder and CTO of Hubspot, leading marketing automation vendor. I follow him mainly for his quirky retweets and smart advice on marketing techniques. All in all, he is a great influencer and has been in this industry for a long time.
Sourabh is the founder and CEO of Esanosys, a company whose expertise lies in the fields of Marketing and Sales automation. Follow him to get updates on the latest advancements and best practices in the field of marketing automation. A big fan of startups and the entrepreneurial spirit, you can reach out to Sourabh anytime for his opinions on marketing automation.
David Hurley is the founder of Mautic, a free source of marketing automation solutions. You can follow him to know more about his opinions on digital marketing, marketing automation and open source software in general.
Michael Leander is a leading speaker in the field of marketing automation. An award-winning orator, Michael should be on every marketers marketing automation influencers to follow list. He shares interesting and unique articles that helps you form a stronger perspective on various areas of marketing.
Former co-founder of Marketo, Jon Miller is an excellent entrepreneur and a wonderful speaker. If you are looking for an influencer who shares engaging content that helps solve problems, then follow him on Twitter.
Well, these were the top 10 marketing automation influencers that I follow, and I feel you should too! But don’t worry. I’m open to suggestions and would love to know more about the people whom you consider to be great influencers in the field of marketing. Drop us a line at info@esanosys.com and let us know your very own list of top 10 marketing automation influencers on the internet!
This article was originally published at Esanosys.com
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