Your sales funnel can be a complicated process to manage.

With so many pieces that need to work together, it’s easy for things to go wrong and lead to wasted time and money.

In this blog post, we will discuss 7 key features of your sales funnel that you should be focusing on to convert leads into customers.

1. A Compelling Offer for Potential Customers

Your sales funnel needs to have a compelling offer for potential customers. This way, you are able to engage the interest of your leads and get them interested in buying what you are selling.

If they see that there is value in purchasing your product or service, then they will be more likely to convert into paying customers right away.

What does a compelling offer look like?

A compelling offer is different from an irresistible one. In most cases, it consists of benefits and features that are easy to understand for potential customers — making them want to buy your product or service with ease.

An example is creating a lead-in period where the customer has the chance to try out what you have before they purchase anything. This makes buying easier since they don’t feel rushed into purchasing right away or on impulse.

2. Website Needs to Be Optimized for Conversions

The next thing your sales funnel needs is a website that has been optimized for conversions.

This means that it should have the ability to convert the leads into potential customers as quickly as possible — making them want to purchase from you right away instead of going back and looking at other options.

In order to do this, there are certain things that need to happen such as having an informative yet easy-to-understand design with content on each page about who you are and what you can offer.

Another example is offering a way for them to make a fast decision by including purchasing information prominently displayed on every page so they know exactly how much everything costs without any additional work.

Put yourself in their shoes…

If you were looking for a product or service, what would you want to see on the website?

3. Clear Description of Your Product or Service

Your product or service should be described in clear, concise terms that potential customers can understand. This is your opportunity to explain what you do and how it can benefit them.

Make sure to highlight the features and benefits of your product or service, and explain why it’s the best option for the customer. Be sure to answer any questions they may have about your offering.

The more information you can provide about what you do, the easier it will be for leads to decide if they want to learn more about working with you.

If you’re not sure what to say, consider using a video or infographic to showcase your product or service.

You can also use case studies or testimonials from happy customers to help.

4. Have an Email Marketing Plan Set up

Another thing that your sales funnel needs to have is an effective email marketing plan.

Email marketing lets you send out messages about new products, offers and discounts.

This will allow you to stay in touch with the leads after they are done purchasing from you right away — which can lead into further purchases or even referrals down the road.

What makes this work?

The way it works is by sending emails on a daily basis for at least six months before stopping completely. The content should be relevant but not too pushy since everyone hates being spammed!

It’s important to make sure to include clear calls to action toward the end of each message so that readers know what they need to do next if they want more information or want to buy what you are selling.

If you want your sales funnel to be successful, then it’s important to have an email marketing plan in place.

5. An Effective Follow Up Strategy

In order for your sales funnel to be successful, you also need to have an effective follow-up strategy. This is what will keep the leads warm after they are done purchasing from you and increase the chances of them becoming a customer again in the future.

What should this include?

Your follow-up strategy should include things such as automated emails that go out immediately after purchase, thank-you emails, and personalized messages.

It’s important to make sure that these messages are sent on a timely basis so that you don’t lose touch with your leads.

Another thing to consider adding is social media posts that mention or tag the lead — which can help remind them who you are and why they should continue doing business with you.

6. Upsells and Downsells

One of the most important things that your sales funnel needs is upsells and downsells. This will allow you to make more money from each customer right away — which can be a huge help with increasing profits!

What are they?

Upselling means selling additional products or services to current customers while down selling means offering lower-priced alternatives in order for them to buy something less expensive instead.

For example, if someone orders product A but might need product B at some point in the future then an upsell would be suggesting adding on this so they get both items immediately rather than waiting until later when it’s more convenient.

Down sells work by taking advantage of potential discounts offered on certain dates such as holidays or seasonal events. In the end, both of these things allow you to make more money from existing customers without having to do a lot of additional work.

7. Easy Checkout Process

Another thing that your sales funnel needs to have is an easy checkout process. This will allow for a faster and smoother transaction right away — which can increase the chances of them becoming a customer again in the future!

What makes this work?

An effective way to do this is by offering customized payment plans or subscriptions.

For example, if someone has been purchasing from you consistently over time then you might want to consider creating a subscription service so they don’t have to worry about re-entering their credit card information each time they need something from you.

In addition, it helps prevent potential issues such as forgotten passwords or incorrect billing information too since everything will be saved securely online instead of being lost on paper where anyone can find it.

Sales Funnels Can Make or Break Your Product

If you are looking to increase the chances that your sales funnel will convert leads into paying customers, then make sure that you are following these seven tips!

By having a compelling offer, clear and concise description of the product or service, an email marketing plan in place, an effective follow strategy, upsells and downsells, and an easy checkout process, you will be on your way to success!

This article was originally published at, by author Chris Zaire.
Original article >>

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