21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates

Understanding how to retain the customers that you have spent money acquiring is vital for any online business.  Attracting a

SEO & digital marketing tips for 2016

This past Tuesday January 12th, the Colorado Small Business Development Center organized a SEO & Digital Marketing event in Monument,

7 Ways to Get More Blog Traffic From Twitter

Twitter is a great tool for connecting with others, keeping up with the news, and so much more. For bloggers

What happens online in 60 seconds?

With this much social media activity every minute, Content Shock will increase as a challenge for marketers in 2016. Digital media

As Smartphone Use Increases, Are You Wasting Money on TV Ads?

Most likely, the television is no longer the dominant screen in your target audience’s household. A comprehensive new study by

How Remarketing Can Be Used to Increase Revenue

Remarketing is a strategy that a lot of brands use to drive traffic back to their website, but I don’t

4 Strategies to Convert New Visitors into Returning Ones

We’ve got an enormous problem in the content industry. Practically every single resource that I read on content marketing is related to acquiring new

9 Key Content Types For Your Ecommerce Site

With so many ecommerce websites in each category, how can a retailer cut-through if they’re not a ‘high street brand’?

3 Social Media Trends to look for in 2016

It seems as if social media trends change daily. In 2015, we saw major changes to the Facebook newsfeed, the

Marketing segmentation challenges and opportunities

Customers expect a personalized experience and marketers are clearly seeing the opportunity on marketing segmentation and personalization. In fact, personalized

Ecommerce + Social Media = Social Commerce [Infographic]

Social shopping is expected to hit an all time high as we approach Christmas time. I have discussed the phrase

SMBs Make Automated Nurtures, Segmentation Top Priorities

B2B marketers for small and mid-sized businesses are short on time and resources, so they are focused on marketing tactics

Introducing the use of marketing fact-bases for long-term planning

Digital transformation is not an overnight process. It takes time, buy-in from execs and determination from those wanting to bring

Digital marketing forum 2015: mobile leads advertising growth

Digital advertising in Australia will become an $11 billion industry over the next five years, growing at about 11 per cent

14 Interesting Digital Marketing Stats

The past week has been filled with great data points. Here are 14 of the more intriguing numbers we came