You might probably know this but let me tell you again why your business should have a social media marketing strategy.
It’s 2022 and we all have a pretty good understanding of social media sites and how it works, right?
But what if I told you 96% of the people that discuss brands online do not follow those brands’ owned profiles.
Or that people 55-64 are more than twice as likely to engage with branded content than those 28 or younger.
With the introduction of social media networks, we have a powerful tool at our fingertips that can share pieces of content all over the world in seconds.
With this being said, social media marketing increases your brand’s awareness.
Many small business owners struggle with implementing an effective social media marketing strategy that drives sales.
And this is what you’re going to learn in this blog.
Let’s start with the basics.
A social media marketing plan is an overview of your marketing goals and the actions you intend to follow in order to successfully achieve those goals.
Social media plans act as a guide to keep your business on track, and you’ll see more results as you develop a more detailed plan of action.
Now let’s dive into why social media plans are important, and how your business can develop an effective social media marketing strategy.
According to Social Media Examiner, 97% of small businesses use social media to attract new customers.
But, 85% of business owners aren’t sure what social media tools to use.
And 63% of consumers who search for businesses online are more likely to become consumers of brands with an established social media presence.
This demonstrates a huge potential for social media marketing to increase sales but a lack of understanding on how to achieve those results.
The consumers are there, itching to become brand ambassadors, but where is your business?
Social media marketing helps to validate your brand and it’s no longer optional.
It’s an essential way for companies to reach consumers.
And when done correctly, tells those consumers that their brand is active and focused on communication.
The longer you wait, the more you have to lose.
When done effectively, social media campaigns can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more engagement.
Having a social media presence without an active social media marketing strategy can be just as catastrophic for your business as having no plan at all.
Before we get into how to build an effective social media marketing strategy, here are some ways social media marketing can improve your business.
Displaying your business’ personality through social media is one of the best ways to connect with your target audience.
Your social media channels are just expanded opportunities for your brand’s voice, content, and interactions.
A new customer may stumble upon your Instagram feed if they’re an avid Instagram user.
Or, a customer might be more likely to become a repeat purchaser if your online brand presence becomes more consistent and recognizable.
Brands are placing a bigger emphasis on customer experience because of the impact it has on reputation.
Brands who engage on social media channels receive higher loyalty from their customers.
More than 50% of Americans who follow their favorite brands on social media are more loyal customers than those who don’t.
Every post, ad, follower, blog post, and email is an opportunity for customers to convert.
Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, social media can be a very effective tool for:
Faceless corporations are a thing of the past, and now you can see more results through the humanization of your social media efforts.
These days, consumers care not only about what they buy but also the type of company they’re buying from.
Social media has a 100% higher lead close rate than outbound marketing.
With this advantage, you can practice rapid response to build a connection with a customer.
Rather than putting them through the automatic recording steps via telephone.
Have you practiced social listening? Social media allows you to gain valuable, real-time insights into your customers’ interests and behaviors.
Check out reviews or comments to see what people think of your business.
Look at engagement rates on each social media post to measure what types of content generate the most interest.
Or, which of them entices more re-posting from your followers.
Track conversions through your purchase or lead ads to find out what type of audience benefits the best from your product or service.
The best place for customer care lies on social media.
Before brands got involved, it was created solely for communication, and that is still its core foundation.
Customer interactions allow for the public opportunity to make complaints right.
It’s also a place to enhance your relationship with them further by:
Social media networks’ messenger apps are great reputation management tools you can utilize.
Last but not least, the reason that is most likely to lead to ROI: increased inbound traffic.
Without social media, your leads are limited to people who are familiar with your brand and people who find you by searching ranked keywords.
By increasing your social media content frequency and expanding your social media channel presence, you are adding another path back to your site.
And as a result, you’ll receive higher traffic, as well as more conversions.
Social media is a long-term approach, meaning, you won’t be reaping these benefits overnight.
Now that you know why social media marketing is important, let’s dive into why creating a social media marketing strategy enhances these benefits.
A social media marketing strategy outlines your business’ goals and sets measurable objectives for the desired outcomes.
Now, what are the benefits?
To illustrate this, each example will be accompanied by a real-life example from one of LYFE Marketing’s client’s in the Home Décor industry.
You can find our client’s presence on the top 4 most influential social media platforms.
This gives the brand an opportunity to connect with various audiences and cross-channel promote their content.
This also helps your brand’s influencer marketing efforts.
By just plugging in different demographics, we’ve learned from performing customer research…
…we can easily reach our desired audience to increase website traffic and new sales for our client!
Since October 2017, our client has spent a little over 7.5K and received 225K in sales!
This is 217K in profit!
If you still aren’t convinced, adding Traditional Media is more costly than Social Media Advertising to your reading list.
If you search the words, “cheap drapes,” you can find our client on the first page of the Google search.
Your audience rarely goes past the second page.
It’s important to publish relevant content and have a link-worthy site to see your website rise to the top of search engine results.
Creating customer loyalty means developing long-term relationships with your fans.
This relationship fosters the spread of social proof (read 5-star reviews) and repeat customers.
Satisfied customers are one thing, but satisfied NEW customers are every business’ dream!
Check out these product shots to see for yourself!
Pro Tip: Share these pictures on your social media channels to build social proof (see above) and customer appreciation!
(if you’ve caught on quickly, the benefits of a social media marketing strategy are one in the same as to why social media marketing is important)
However, the MAJOR key to success in the importance of social media marketing strategies is to make sure your strategy is actionable.
The best strategies involve:
And creating an actionable social media marketing strategy is exactly what Part III is all about.
Before a few years ago, you could get away with building a social media marketing strategy on a whim.
But with 30% of people saying they engage with brands on social at least once a month, purely existing isn’t going to cut it anymore.
If you’re not fully engaged and emerged in accomplishing the goals set in your strategy, there will be serious effects on your desired results.
Learn what an effective social media marketing strategy should include, and follow our plan for creating your own.
Step 1: Create Social Media Marketing Objectives and Goals
Step 2: Conduct a Current Social Media Audit
Step 4: Write Your Social Media Mission Statement
Step 5: Curate Engaging, Quality Content
Step 6: Track and Optimize
The first step is to establish the goals and objectives you want to achieve.
A key component of setting effective goals is determining what metrics you’ll use to measure them.
Are you looking for purchases or leads? Or likes and retweets or followers?
You should use the acronym S.M.A.R.T when setting these goals.
Each objective is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
An example of this from our Home Décor client above would be:
“For Instagram, we will share client photos that showcase our products in real homes.
We will do this by posting three client photos a week.
The target for each is at least 50 likes and 5 comments.”
“You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.”
Take a look at where you are and consider a few points:
It should be clear which accounts need to be updated or deleted altogether.
It’s better to maximize your presence on fewer channels than to be scarce on all channels.
You want to be as specific as possible with this step.
For example, if our Home Décor’s ideal target is homeowners, that is a little too broad.
There will be more success if the target lives in the United States, between 25– 50 years of age, earns over 50K, primarily uses Facebook and Instagram, and has an interest in HGTV.
Here are some helpful demographics to consider:
Your social media mission statement clearly outlines what you plan to use your social media presence for.
These statements revolve around your ideal customer and are typically one-sentence statements.
These short declarations will not only guide your actions, but help to keep you on track should your efforts begin to fall short.
To do this, determine the purpose of every social media profile you plan to include.
If you can’t think of its specific purpose in relation to your business goals, you probably shouldn’t use it.
An example for our Home Décor company could be this:
“We will use LinkedIn to focus on efforts to connect and recruit potential franchise leads to expand our company’s footprint.”
Once you define your mission, think about how to communicate your brand’s voice, a potential brand tool kit, will videos be involved, etc.
If it doesn’t align with your mission statement(s), then nix it! People will follow and purchase with you if it makes sense.
When you first think of creating an online social presence, you probably want to jump immediately to this step.
Instant gratification is always rewarding… right?
Within your successful strategy, you also need a strong content marketing plan. Think about the following questions:
You know who your ideal customer is as you used that research to create your mission statements. Here are a few examples of content you could create:
If you’re unsure of what types of content to produce, try the social media rule of thirds.
It’s important to have a good mix of content to engage the audience prior to trying to sell your product or service:
Creating high-quality, engaging content is a top priority.
It’s helpful to create a content calendar outlining:
Don’t forget to also check the tweets related to your brand and retweet the reviews or mentions of your brand when your audience does so on Twitter.
Or if they have posted a photo or video of your product or service, be sure to repost them.
Also, put in your bio that they can tag you or use a certain hashtag if ever they will post something about your brand.
Doing this will not only increase your engagement but your rank in hashtags too since many people will use it.
Last but not least, the most important step when it comes to social media success.
Trial and error will be your best friend when it comes to analyzing data and making tweaks.
The most important thing to remember is your social media marketing strategy will always be changing.
It’s never set in stone.
As new products and updates emerge, you may want to adapt your strategy.
As results roll in, you’ll learn more about your target audience and might want to change up your audience demographics.
If you need to rewrite your social media strategy after a few testing periods, don’t worry, because you have all the steps right here!
Now that you have the ‘Why’ and the ‘How,’ you need the ‘What.’
Use our 7 step checklist to inspire your new strategy!
Checklist 1: What are your brand’s social media goals?
Checklist 2: What social platforms will you use to reach your audience?
Checklist 3: Who is your target audience?
Checklist 4: How will you measure your social media success?
Checklist 5: Who are your competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
Checklist 6: What type of content will be produced?
Checklist 7: What are the best times and dates to post for your target customer?
Checklist 8: How will you track and optimize your social media efforts?
Social Media Marketing is one of the best digital marketing methods that bring new rules and opportunities to increase the:
A further understanding of your consumers, how they communicate, the experiences they’re looking to have, and where they’re located digitally is crucial.
Your social media strategy will affect the chances of:
But don’t take a short way out. If at first, you don’t succeed, don’t give up.
Stray away from being comfortable and what’s safe. Social media is a marathon, not a sprint.
Achievement in almost any area of your life will be dependent upon other people.
In this case, it’s your future customers and your current customers.
Actively cultivating and curating your brand’s online presence is the investment required to achieve an effective social media marketing strategy.
This article was originally published at, by author Brandi. Original article >>
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