10 Social Media Selling Solutions for Small Businesses

Social media is the new e-commerce platform. / Credit: Social media image via Shutterstock Want to turn your social media

8 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Do you need help getting started with your social media marketing strategy? Do you know what to include? Goals and objectives

5 Ways You Can Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

Are you wondering whether social media has any real impact on consumer purchasing decisions? Do you sometimes question the potential of

5 Practical Social Media Marketing Strategies That All eCommerce Sellers Must Know

With , and ever-increasing competition for attention, online businesses will only be able to maximize their success if they learn how to

10 Top Social Media Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2017

Social networks have been with us for just over a decade but it feels like forever. When I first signed

5 Steps to Creating a Successful Social Media Strategy for 2017

Social media is constantly evolving and can be hard to predict what’s coming next. Who would have guessed that Chewbacca

The State of Digital Marketing 2016

This new infographic from Smartinsights illustrates the importance of digital marketing to businesses today and the digital marketing techniques that marketers find

5 Quick Social marketing Tips from the Pros

The search for marketing and social media strategy tips can seem like you’re trying to find a giant needle in

20 Social Media Tools and Tips From the Experts

Looking for social media tips to step up your marketing game? Wondering what tools the pros recommend? We asked top

Fix Your Social Media Strategy by Taking It Back to Basics

A recent CMO Survey indicates that marketers plan to double their spending on social media in the next five years.

Millennials Don’t ‘Do’ Direct Response (and Other Lies)

Wow! According to recent population data, Millennials have officially overtaken Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in North America.

Social Media Strategy for Lead Generation [Infographic]

This infographic, created by GrowWithTrellis, illustrates some quick facts, statistics, and explanations on how social media marketing strategy can make

A sensible social media checklist for businesses

Overwhelmed by all you have to do on different social media platforms? Check out the Whole Brain Group‘s handy-dandy checklist,

The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Research

Smart marketers know that marketplace insight is one of the most valuable benefits of social media. But knowing about social

20 Key factors impacting e-commerce consumer behavior

Wow, this is an incredibly comprehensive and well-designed infographic from BargainFox. With statistics on every aspect of online consumer behavior,